"Students Spearhead New Road Sign Project"
Thank you so much Mehreen Shahid for the eloquently written article and helping us to spread our story. Here is a link to the Orillia...
The Packet & Times
Today our team met up with Mahreen, a reporter from the Packet and Times in Orillia! She interviewed us for about an hour, and then we...
Keeping Our Shirts On
Today we received our Project CRASH T-Shirts! Although they are wrinkly, they are fresh out of the dryer and we can't wait to wear them....
Spreading Sunshine
I got an interesting phone call from my manager at work the other day. She said that JD Hunter would like to interview us on Sunshine89...
Another day, another follower!
We don't just want followers for the sake of numbers, we want to get the word out to as many people as we can! So..here is our proposal:...
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign!
Project C.R.A.S.H. started as a school project, but days later- transformed into something much bigger. We are a dedicated team, with...